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1931 Articles

Built With Speedway Motors: Joe's 1931 Model A
Check out the cool story of how Joe's stepdad is helping his hot rod dreams come true...
Built With Speedway Motors: Peyton's 1931 Model A
Here's another #BuiltWithSpeedwayMotors hot rod. This one is a cool father/daughter Model A project.
Jim's 1931 Model A Roadster Pickup
Jim Sheridan's Model A roadster pickup has a zillion miles on the clock and some cool, clever details throughout the truck.
The Shoeshine Coupe
Adam Rice's Model A coupe is a perfect example of a homebuilt car done right.
Selecting Axles for a 1931 Model A
In this Tech Tip, John answers a customer question about finding the right axle length for his 1931 Model A.